Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Grand Design

I just finished a book by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow called the "The Grand Design". It is a physics and cosmology book, published by Bantam Books of New York. It is not particularly a long book only 184 pages. It has a wonderful integration of physics and cosmology talking about quantum theory, relativity, M theory and fusing them into a very enlightening treatise of how the creation of the universe need not have a creator. The creationist and religionist will not like it one bit. I have trouble understanding quantum mechanics and am very poor at math, but I love reading about them. This book uses no mathematics and thus is for me perfect physics book. But it still gets a little hard for a non physicist type to follow and may even be harder for a non science type to even begin to understand. But if you have any background in science and with a little effort it does go a long ways to bring understanding to those subjects. I like the way they use the idea that there is no one complete model of the universe but all the models overlap and compliment the other. This allows one to go from quantum mechanics/dynamics and the standard model of the very small to relativity and gravity of the very big. Wonderful. I encourage you to read it.
Skeptical DoDo

1 comment:

Ron Krumpos said...

In "The Grand Design" Stephen Hawking postulates that the M-theory may be the Holy Grail of physics...the Grand Unified Theory which Einstein had tried to formulate but never completed. It expands on quantum mechanics and string theories.

In my e-book on comparative mysticism is a quote by Albert Einstein: “…most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and most radiant beauty – which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive form – this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of all religion.”

E=mc², Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, is probably the best known scientific equation. I revised it to help better understand the relationship between divine Essence (Spirit), matter (mass/energy: visible/dark) and consciousness (f(x) raised to its greatest power). Unlike the speed of light, which is a constant, there are no exact measurements for consciousness. In this hypothetical formula, basic consciousness may be of insects, to the second power of animals and to the third power the rational mind of humans. The fourth power is suprarational consciousness of mystics, when they intuit the divine essence in perceived matter. This was a convenient analogy, but there cannot be a divine formula.