Friday, February 19, 2010

Principles of Evolutionary Medicine

I have finished reading a textbook that I found very interesting, so much that it was hard to put down, and so explanatory that it just leave me with the need to know more. The book published by Oxford Press just last year 2009 is a tour de force for information about human evolution and how it relates to medicine. It is written by Peter Gluckman and Alan Beedle both from the Centre for Human Evolution, Adaptation and Disease, Liggins Institute, The University of Auckland, New Zealand and by Mark Hanson of the Institute of Developmental Sciences, University of Southamptom, UK. It goes through evolutionary theory involving the molecular basis of variation and inheritance, development, epigenomics, life histories and understanding the origins of humans and diversity. Then it relates that to reproduction, nutrition, disease, social and psychological aspects of our existence. Simply a masterful exploration of one of the hottest topics in medicine right now, Evolutionary Medicine. You can get it all the regular on line book stores. Get It!!

Skeptical DoDo

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