Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pandora' Seed

The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization by Spencer Wells is one of those books that one cannot put down. Spencer Wells the population genetic scientist working for National Geographic who traced the spread of modern humans out of Africa in his book The Journey of Man has done it again. Very scholarly fascinating tracing of the last 10,000 years is a joy to read, but also carries a warning that is very much in context of our world today. And we have no one to thank for it, except ourselves. It touches on evolutionary medicine, global climate change and religious fundamentalism that can be directly connected to the cost of ancestors invention of agriculture. That is not to say we should, or can, return to our roots of hunter gatherer life styles, but Wells does point out that we do need to do something different. We are running out of time. This will go into the MSS book store and I recommend this book highly.

Peace Skeptical DoDo

1 comment: said...

"... the cost of ancestors invention of agriculture ... we do need to do something different. We are running out of time."

Modern agriculture, and the food industry, are producing too many "foods" that our bodies never evolved to handle.

Jim Purdy
The 50 Best Health Blogs